Christina and James Rae

Christina and James Rae's Fundraiser

30th Anniversary Support-A-Walk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer image

30th Anniversary Support-A-Walk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer

Join me and help make a difference, please donate today!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$100 towards $500

Hi all!

As many of you know, in 2021, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer (triple positive/HER2 – luckily it was caught early at stage one). You never know how strong you are until you have no other choice but to rise and face each day’s challenges. The past few years were insane. It was like a tornado came and ripped up my world leaving me with so much fear, anxiety and stress.

During my time as a breast cancer patient, I underwent the following…

  • more than 75 doctor appointments!!! (very challenging for a busy mom of three kids and who runs her own PR/marketing business!)
  • more than 60 needle pricks/IVs and blood tests
  • four painful biopsies
  • seven mammograms
  • five ultrasounds
  • two MRIs
  • two radioactive seed implants
  • lumpectomy and lymph node surgery
  • 12 rounds of weekly chemo (Taxol and Herceptin)
  • 20 sessions of daily radiation
  • 13 solo Herceptin IV treatments (which was done every three weeks for nearly a year) (NOTE: this miracle drug is targeted for my HER2/Triple Positive Cancer type and has been a game changer for over 15 yrs for this aggressive type of cancer – watch/stream the movie “Living Proof” with Harry Connick Jr.) as it’s amazing! Have plenty of tissues on hand.
  • Longer-term issues continue – fatigue, challenges with my radiated side, shoulder issues/surgery, etc. but I just KEEP SWIMMING like Dory said!

THIS is just ONE example of what cancer does and how it turns a person’s life upside down into a painful spiral. It doesn’t just affect the person with cancer, but everyone who loves that person too. It leaves family, friends and loved ones feeling stressed out, hopeless and rearranging their own lives constantly to assist with doctor appointments, caregiving, spirit raising and more too.

I don’t detail this very personal health issue of mine for any pity, but instead to showcase WHY help and support is so important – and, to introduce a wonderful organization that helps people facing the trauma of cancer. Support Connection is a truly unique organization. Over the decades, they have helped thousands of people whose lives have been impacted by breast and ovarian cancer. Support Connection provides critically needed counseling, support groups, educational and wellness programs, and resource information – all at no cost to those who need them.

I am currently raising funds for the 2024 Support-A-Walk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer presented by Support Connection, Inc. Please help by sponsoring me (team Buzz Creators) with a donation. I once again pray to be blessed with “clean/clear scans” at my next scan this October. Hopefully, the hardest parts continue to stay in my rear view mirror! Support Connection was there for me, and I want to ensure they are around to help the next “Christina” who will sadly be diagnosed like I was and provide her with the necessary support too!

Everyone at Support Connection is passionate about their mission. Their Peer Counselors are cancer survivors themselves. They understand how important it is to have someone to lean on when your world is turned upside down by a cancer diagnosis. Support Connection must raise all of the funds for their year-round services, so this Support-A-Walk is a very important event!

It's easy for you to help! Click the “donate” button on this page to make a secure online donation. Support Connection is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization, so all donations are tax deductible. Donations of any amount have a positive impact.

MATCHING GIFTS: Many companies will "match" their employees' contributions, which can double your donation! Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program and how to submit for it.

Please give whatever you can - together, we can make a difference and provide support for those in need! Over the past two years, together Team Buzz Creators has proudly raised more than $7,500 to help provide support to women with breast and ovarian cancer!! Words can’t express how proud this made me!

If you’d like to learn more about Support Connection or the Support-A-Walk, visit their website: Join me for this walk too if you are available!!!

Thank you and please get your annual mammogram and/or remind those you love to get theirs too. Early detection is critical and helps saves lives. I am proof of that fact!

Love and hugs,
