Jody Mastro

Jody Mastro's Fundraiser

Friends of Dolly and Linda image

Friends of Dolly and Linda

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,647 towards $1,000

Friends of Dolly and Linda

Thank You for Visiting our Team Page!

Friends of Dolly
was created to support our dear friend,
(Grandma, Mom, Sister, Wife, etc), Dolly Acocella
as she fought and won a breast cancer diagnosis many years ago.

Support Connection was an invaluable resource for her in her fight. She made friends, volunteered, and leaned on this wonderful organization to support her through her cancer journey. Her family and friends continue to walk in her memory and in support of Support Connection, which we continue to be a part of many years later.

This year, we walk as "Friends of Dolly and Linda" in memory of Dolly and her daughter Linda, who was taken too soon this year. The Acocella women, and all of the other cancer fighters we know and love, have been true examples of strength, love, and what we are capable of when we have family and friends surrounding us. Please consider joining us in our walk, or donating to our Friends of Dolly and Linda team. Every dollar helps this terrific organization who gives their services to so many women for free. Linda never missed a walk to support our Dolly, and it is our honor to walk in their memory this year.